The WASH Sustainability Charter

Improving WASH Service Delivery

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  • The WASH Charter

    The Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Education (WASH) Sustainability Charter is a collaboratively-developed mission and set of guiding principles to advance sustainable solutions in water, sanitation, and hygiene education.


Ensuring long-term water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) service provision is one of the most important challenges facing the international development community.

Too often, key WASH stakeholders often have different views of what constitutes WASH sustainability, hindering efforts to improve long-term service provision. In response to this challenge, leaders in the WASH community have come together in the development of the WASH Sustainability Charter to align stakeholders around collaboratively developed sustainability principles, catalyze adoption of these principles worldwide, and provide a framework to facilitate ongoing learning.

Read the WASH Sustainability Charter

The Charter is the first step in the process toward improving WASH sustainability and was created to spur further collaboration toward improving sector effectiveness.

Please take a moment to review the charter and endorse these principles.

Current endorsers include: